Other Ways to Get Involved

What happens in a WCC workshop? "Magic" is the word we often hear.

There are many ways to support the WCC’s mission or to get involved. We welcome contributions of time and talent alongside financial treasure. These are non-financial ways to support the WCC:

Spread the Word

You can help grow our network of supporters by introducing the WCC to others. Follow and share us on social media; formally introduce us to individuals and organizations you think would like to help. We welcome connections to prospective program partners, volunteer facilitators, sustaining sponsors, donors, and promoters.

Donate Professional Services

If you have expertise in fundraising, communications, editing, translation, information technology—you know, one of the many domains that helps an organization thrive—you may consider donating your services.

Volunteer for an Event

You can represent—or help us to be represented—at community outreach and other special events.

Language and Workshop Support Skills

In addition to facilitators, some of our workshops require scribes, closed captioning, ASL interpreters, and so on. If you would like to volunteer any of these skills, we’d love to hear from you.

To contribute in any of the above ways, please contact us at contact@wcc-cec.org.


Advisory Council

Our Advisory Council (AC) was established in 2024. Council members bring their broad range of life experiences and expertise to enrich the WCC path, providing invaluable insight on organizational mid- and long-term plans. To inquire about participation, please reach out to Doug Grundman, WCC Executive Director, for information: dougg@wcc-cec.org.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is in place to ensure accountability as well as to provide guidance on helping us achieve our goals as a non-profit organization.

To inquire about governance participation, please contact the Board Chair, Richard Mozer, for information: richardm@wcc-cec.org.