Our Volunteer Facilitators

Writers Collective of Canada (WCC) 350+ trained facilitators are volunteers. They donate their time and hearts to make it possible for anyone in Canada and beyond to courageously explore their authentic voice in the brave space of a WCC community writing workshop.

Facilitators enable WCC’s proven impact and provide critical links between WCC and its program partners. As we continue to develop this page, meet some of our volunteer facilitators below and in our monthly newsletter.

If you are a facilitator and wish to be added to this page, please contact us.

Natalie Champagne

Volunteer Facilitator

Hasib Iftekhar

Volunteer Facilitator

Nancy Taber

Volunteer Facilitator

María Cristina Sabourin Jovel aka Queen María

Volunteer Facilitator

Steve Elliot

Volunteer Facilitator

David Lightfoot

Volunteer Facilitator

Ashley Beatty

Volunteer Facilitator

Marijke Vander Klok

Volunteer Facilitator

Shirin Tobie-Paul

Volunteer Facilitator