Online Workshops for the Month of May

Looking for community, creativity, and a chance to centre yourself during this time of social distancing? Join the TWC’s virtual expressive writing workshops! No writing experience is necessary. Find our schedule of events here.  

Volunteer Appreciation Week Goes Online

To celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Week, the Toronto Writers Collective held a virtual workshop on April 23, attended by 24 facilitators and writers. The two-hour session was over too quickly as everyone got a chance to reconnect with their peers through writing and sharing…

TWC Is Going Online

In order to continue to deliver our workshops during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are offering our workshops online. Stay tuned here on our website for more information.

COVID-19 Update

Your health and safety are our priority. All Toronto Writers Collective workshops will be postponed until further notice in response to COVID-19. We understand the importance of writing for our community, so we will continue sharing prompts and updates through digital means. Feel…

Reflections on a Park Bench Published in The Bridge

The following piece by Ken Rosser from our August Prompts of the Month, has been published in The Bridge: Reflections on a Park Bench by Ken Rosser On reflection, there were those old cartoons of homeless people asleep on park benches with a…

A Celebration of Expressive Writing

Toronto Writers Collective Facilitator Appreciation Event By Erin Nantais On Saturday January 11, 2020, over 40 facilitators, staff and supporters braved heavy rains to attend the Toronto Writers Collective’s first ever Facilitator Appreciation Day at the Ralph Thornton Centre in Leslieville/South Riverdale. The…

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