New Start For A Broken Heart

By: Nicole Servant “Of course I’ll wait for you, my dear-I would wait a thousand years for you,” were the last comforting words that I heard from my birth mother whom I located on “Facebook”. I actually became reunited with my real mother…

Jane And Finch

By: Michael Koo Photo: source I am from the fires Of Jane and Finch From the mist of wet concrete And urine   I am from a sex soaked bed From whip and a wail From castration to salvation From the shores of…

Blood And Chamomile

By: Jordan Thompson My floors creek under the footsteps of ghosts. Hide and seek. Just the two of us. Pitch black except for the muted beam of sunlight breaking through the filthy basement window. Count to ten. Flash Memories rattle chains. His heavy…

A Trick of the Light

By: Johanna Skelly On a chrome-cold winter’s morning, I look up at the overpass. A commuter train is rocketing across my line of vision. The inter-play of golden-thin, early-morning sun and billowing exhaust fumes from a lineup of cars combine to imprint the…

Selby’s House

By: Stacey Bowen Due from the whistling wind and bitter cold that danced around his frost bitten finger tips; Selby’s inner ear was constantly aching from the persistent drumbeat of pain. How he longed to sit and have shelter, so to ease the…

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