Write About Something Or Someone That Makes You Feel Alive

Like Holding A Butterfly Or A Heartbeat Holding my paint brush is like holding a magic stick. Like the best heroin rush you could ever have, except even better. With the paint brush, my mind is going a million thoughts a minute; it explodes. I…

Write About Forgiveness

The Only Way Out Of The Labyrinth Of Suffering Is To Forgive Written in honour of Black History Month I forgive you Mr. White Man I forgive you for taking my people from our land I forgive you for tearing us away From…

Write About Nightlife

Nightlife means waking up at night and trying to get it right. Stumbling for the shower, stopping to smell the flower, as I get into the bathroom to shit, shower, shave. Then I start to do my make-up as I pull out a cigarette,…

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