A Trick of the Light

By: Johanna Skelly On a chrome-cold winter’s morning, I look up at the overpass. A commuter train is rocketing across my line of vision. The inter-play of golden-thin, early-morning sun and billowing exhaust fumes from a lineup of cars combine to imprint the…

Selby’s House

By: Stacey Bowen Due from the whistling wind and bitter cold that danced around his frost bitten finger tips; Selby’s inner ear was constantly aching from the persistent drumbeat of pain. How he longed to sit and have shelter, so to ease the…

She Who Struggles

By: Jade Brooks And this is who I struggle for This is who I fill my brain with knowledge for My heart with love for My spirit with resilience for As they say, there’s a method to the madness & no step walked…

Rocks Don’t See It

By: Ken Rosser What a thing to say? How do we know rocks don’t see what we do, or what we don’t? Just because rocks don’t talk to us, doesn’t mean they have nothing to say; they merely have taken our measure, and…

Words From The Street Selected Readings Event

Click The Image Above To Find Out More About The Words From The Street Contest. VE’AHAVTA & THE TORONTO WRITER’S COLLECTIVE PRESENT: Words from the Street Selected Readings Showcasing the works of writers from the Creative Writing Program. Thursday, October 8th,  7 p.m.…

Write About Things I Would Go Back and Change

Things I would go back and change? Now this is a question I never ask but instead I say, what are things I wanna do for the future because of how much I learned yesterday? Either good or bad it has made me the…

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